So basically - it's a mini pizza with a potato base. Genious! When I saw this dish on a restaurants menu today, I was dumbfounded.
Basic 'Puffer' Recipe?
Here we go. Makes about 15 pieces.
500 gr. raw potatos
one large cooked potato.
1 onion
1 egg
oil or butter for baking.
Peel all the potatos and grate them either by hand (carefully!!!) or with your trusted electronic device if you happen to have one. Yes, the cooked one too. (You might replace that one cooked potato with some flour, the amount will have to be determined by the consistancy of the mix...)
Peel and dice the onion. Small dices please.
Mix all the veggie bits with the eggs by hand (wohoo) and add some salt. Heat butter or oil in a pan and add "a handfull" of the mix a time and let it fry untill it's crispy brown.
Good. Step 1 done.
(OR you could go the cowardly way and buy ready-made frozen ones. Just make sure they're not sweetened.)
For step 2, do as you would with any pizza recipe: add tomato sauce, sprinkle whatever your little heart desires, add cheese, bake untill the cheese looks nice.
It also makes for a nice party snack, you could just prepare the "Puffer"s and make your guest make up their own pizza creations.
P.S.: The dish I was served afterwards was not even closely as exciting. I was pretty much disappointed. The menu said "Pasta with a spinach and cheese sauce and salmon strips". What I got was Spätzle (close to pasta, but mostly tasting rather bland...) with a tiny drop of heated frozen spinach with some white substance and a single fridge-cold slice of smoked salmon. Meh.