Monday, 3 February 2014

Let's get cooking - Puffer-Pizza

"Puffer-Pizza"? This delicious dish might sound a little strange to my anglophone readers. The "Pizza"-Part is clear, sure, but puffer? Simple: That's german for a fried potato patty/potato fritter.

So basically - it's a mini pizza with a potato base. Genious! When I saw this dish on a restaurants menu today, I was dumbfounded.

Basic 'Puffer' Recipe?
Here we go. Makes about 15 pieces.
500 gr. raw potatos
one large cooked potato.
1 onion
1 egg
oil or butter for baking.

Peel all the potatos and grate them either by hand (carefully!!!) or with your trusted electronic device if you happen to have one. Yes, the cooked one too. (You might replace that one cooked potato with some flour, the amount will have to be determined by the consistancy of the mix...)
Peel and dice the onion. Small dices please.

Mix all the veggie bits with the eggs by hand (wohoo) and add some salt. Heat butter or oil in a pan and add "a handfull" of the mix a time and let it fry untill it's crispy brown.

Good. Step 1 done.

(OR you could go the cowardly way and buy ready-made frozen ones. Just make sure they're not sweetened.)

For step 2, do as you would with any pizza recipe: add tomato sauce, sprinkle whatever your little heart desires, add cheese, bake untill the cheese looks nice.




It also makes for a nice party snack, you could just prepare the "Puffer"s and make your guest make up their own pizza creations.

P.S.: The dish I was served afterwards was not even closely as exciting. I was pretty much disappointed. The menu said "Pasta with a spinach and cheese sauce and salmon strips". What I got was Spätzle (close to pasta, but mostly tasting rather bland...) with a tiny drop of heated frozen spinach with some white substance and a single fridge-cold slice of smoked salmon. Meh.

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Christmas Presents - Part II

Here we go, some christmas impressions...

 Earrings I made for my almost-sister-in-law

T-bone steak potholders for my brother... 

Felted cuffs/armwarmers for my mom (more gras-greenish than you can tell in this pic...) 

Aaand this little collection also includes the two scarves I made, both loop scarves, one for my dad, one for the hubby. :P 

My brothers christmas tree. Love the simplicity. <3 

Dinner table, and let me tell you, dinner was gooooo-oood!!! 

I figured out how to 'bokeh! :P 

My in-laws christmas tree. In blurry artsy style.

Aaaaaaaaand that's the weather we got. Thanks.

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Christmas Presents, Part !

Now... Being a good little Craftsgirl, I made most of my christmas gifts this year myself. Then again, I'm only giving away 7 presents in total haha.

I knitted, crocheted, felted, sewed and made jewellery. Tonight I'll find out if any of these DIYs please the gifted at all. :P

About giving presents...
I'm not much of a fan of -buying- presents. First of all, let's face it, I am broke on a regular basis. Then there's always the tantrum-evoking process of -choosing- a gift to fit each person you love - as in both thinking of something AND finding what you're looking for. Or worse, just go to a store and hope for an epiphany...

The WORST PART about presents whatsoever in my personal opinion is the goddamn idea everybody seems to share: "One item is not enough." As if it HAD to be more than one to matter, without even valuating the, well, value, of said items. It's such a horrible thing!!! Now I managed to never get into that thought process at all, but so, so, so many people I know are tangled in that mess of 'giving enough', it hurts.
Man, I don't even have presents for everyone who deserves them! For example I have never shared presents with my friends. Some of them, however, are crazy enough to get me stuff. Which makes me feel bad. We, people, need to stop this madness! It's so much not the point of gift sharing!!!

I'm not going to lie, I love recieving presents, and I love making them for others. But why does christmas always go along with a hint of a bad conscience about said presents, guilt for not giving someone something and all that?


This was not supposed to be a venting post. So I'm just gonna stop.
I'll upload pictures of the things I made, with the people I made the things for hopefully, in the next days.

Untill then,
make sure you spend the next days surrounded by people who make you feel loved! And only those!

Miss Marsh out!

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Let's get cooking - Pancakes!

I have made a gazillion pancakes in my life. A lot of them didn't turn out any good.

That's why I'm so excited to tell you about a recipe I tried yesterday morning. My 'hubby'' and I were not in the mood for a grown-up breakfast so I decided to browse the web for a pancake recipe and found this:

  • 4 eggs
  • 400 g flour
  • 100 ml sparkling water (though normal water works just fine, I just added a liiiiiiittle bit of baking powder instead!)
  • 400 ml milk
  • 1 pck. vanilla sugar
  • 200 g sugar (as I always do: this amount can be reduced to almost half, it's still going to be deliciously sweet!)
  • a dash of salt

I made half of the recipe and got about 6 small pancakes. The hubby would have liked more, so if you have a sweet tooth in the house, use the full amount.

Just mix everything together untill it's nicely blended, maybe add some cinnamon and bake. I prefer using small pans made from ceramic, nothing sticks to them and the pancakes come out perfectly round and all in the same size.

Meanwhile, I prepared the chocolate sauce. Wait, what? Yes, I made some myself. It's super, super easy. Just mix one tablespoon of real cocoa powder (not the instant stuff!) with one or two teaspoons of powdered sugar, mix thoroughly and slowly start adding water. Only add very small amounts at once and stir untill there's no water left, then add more. I wanted a runny texture so I kept adding and stirring...

When the first pancake came out... no wait, that would be a lie, I ate the first one "to make sure they are any good at all" - so when the second one came out, I just put it on a plate, shook some powdered sugar over it, decorated with the chocolate sauce and sprinkled some almond slices over it.


Does that look delicious or WHAT?

I scored a few housewifey-points, had a nice breakfast and probably finally found my go-to recipe for pancakes! Win-win-win!!! :D

Friday, 6 December 2013

Bling up your lobes!

Soooooo I have stretched Lobes, 8mm (gauge 0) on each side. And I love it. So have so, so many pretty pieces of jewellery to put in there, I can't even tell you which pair I love the most. It's probably the set that... yeah, fasten your seatbelts, please... is the ONLY GODDAMN REASON I stretched my lobes in the first place... ahem... These babies:
(Image is property of CrazyFactors... at least they claim it...)

True story. I saw those on a picture of a stunningly beautiful model (she must have had a 00 or bigger) and just decided that I needed that, too.

Long story short, that wasn't even what I wanted to post.
Instead, I wanted to show you a super quick and easy DIY I did to bling up my ears even more.

What I did was make pairs of clay "expanders" that are thin enough to fit through my tunnels, be it the blingblings you saw before or any other tunnel I own. They are a perfect add-on for cold winter days when I only wear silicone or acrylic jewellery. Esp. since the silicone ones look pretty boring. Some of the pieces I left plain white, some I painted with nail polish or acrylic paint. They break easily if you don't handle them with care and they -might- slip out, fall down and break, but with the hillariously low cost for that small amount of clay (not Fimo, mind you!) it's not that horrible.

Now, since the first experiment went so smootly, I went DIY-crazy and did a whole bunch of other pieces, some where I even rolled the clay in glitter dust before. They all came out sooooo so so pretty... and too wide. ALL OF THEM. God I was so annoyed.

 This pair is HUGE! And I mean huge! They are like the size of my palm, even a bit bigger. And I can't wear them and I have no female friends with stretched lobes to give them to. So sad ;_____;

All of the following have the finest holographic glitter rolled into the clay, it's so fine there was no way I could  neatly capture it with my crappy cam...

Of course I'm going to make more of these. Probably even later today. But it's still sad not to know what to do with the others. I might try to sell them, but I'm not quite sure how to reach the people who might like them.